アーサー・ロイド 年譜 / Arthur Lloyd – Chronological record

*Shaded parts indicate when Lloyd worked at Rikkyo.

1852(嘉永5) 出生
Born on April 10 in Shimla, the capital city of Punjab in northern India, the son of a British Army officer. His father died when he was four, after which he was raised as an only child of a single mother.
1860(安政7) 8歳
Age 8
Moved with his mother to Germany, receiving school education in Stuttgart. He later entered Brewood Grammar School in Britain.
1870(明3) 18歳
Age 18
Entered St. John’s College and later Peterhouse, the University of Cambridge.
1874(明7) 22歳
Age 22
Graduated from the University of Cambridge with a First Class degree in Classics. He then learned Sanskrit at the University of Tübingen in Germany with the intention of doing missionary work in India.
1875(明8) 23歳
Age 23
Became a deacon in the Church of England, and a priest one year later.
1877(明10) 25歳
Age 25
Married Maria Rose Theresa, and first daughter was born. Having obtained a master’s degree from the University of Cambridge, he became a Fellow of Peterhouse and worked as its chief pastor and librarian.
1879(明12) 27歳
Age 27
Became Rector and Vicar of churches near Cambridge.
1883(明16) 31歳
Age 31
Accepted as an Anglican SPG missionary.
1884(明17) 32歳
Age 32
Set off for Japan with his wife and three children on May 24. They arrived in Japan on August 16.
1885(明18) 33歳
Age 33
Began teaching English at Keio University in February. He was also active in his missionary work, and after seven months from his arrival in Japan he was preaching in Japanese.
1890(明23) 38歳
Age 38
Moved to Toronto, Canada due to his wife’s ill health, where he became a professor of classics and public speaking at the University of Trinity College, but his wife died there.
Japanese colloquial texts with translations and notes(『英和会話捷径』)Kelly & Walsh
1893(明26) 41歳
Age 41
Returned to Japan in August, became senior lecturer at the Department of Literature, Keio University. He remarried Mary von Fallot, a teacher of German. Until April 1898, he taught English literature, French, Latin and other subjects.
1894(明27) 42歳
Age 42
Bishop of Tokyo, John McKim of the Protestant Episcopal Church requested permission to appoint Lloyd as a missionary of that church. Lloyd taught at Keio University while working actively as an unpaid missionary in the Tokyo evangelical jurisdiction.
1897(明30) 45歳
Age 45
Officially accepted as a missionary of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Lloyd succeeded Theodosius Stevens Tyng as Principal of the St. Paul’s Higher School and Rikkyo English School.
White Aster(『孝女白菊の詩』)長谷川武次郎発行(英訳)
1898(明31) 46歳
Age 46
慶應義塾を退職し、立教学校(St. Paul's College)総理(President)に就任する。マキム主教から立教改善策の提示を求められ報告書を提出する。
Resigned from Keio University to serve as President of St. Paul’s College. He was asked by Bishop McKim to present a Rikkyo improvement plan, and he submitted a report.
1899(明32) 47歳
Age 47
According to the Ministry of Education’s Directive No. 12, religious education was banned at government accredited schools. Statements of opposition were issued at six schools, Aoyama, Toyo Eiwa, Doshisha, Rikkyo, Meiji Gakuin and Nagoya Eiwa. Under Lloyd’s policy of changing the name of Rikkyo School (St. Paul’s College) to Rikkyo Gakuin and only teaching Christianity in the English School (Kanda), St. Paul’s Higher School, and its dormitories, not in St. Paul’s Middle School itself, St. Paul’s Middle School was able to continue as an accredited school. The number of students at St. Paul’s Middle School increased sharply to 210.
1900(明33) 48歳
Age 48
While lecturing for 13 hours a week at Rikkyo Gakuin, he launched the Rikkyo Gakuin Press, which provided vocational training for students. He lectured in English and history at the Imperial Japanese Naval Academy. He was also pastor at All Saints Church in Kudan, and he took part in literary activities, too.
1901(明34) 49歳
Age 49
St. Paul’s Middle School became the largest mission school in Japan with 424 students. He proposed the installation of libraries onboard ships of the Japanese Navy. Given control of Holy Trinity Cathedral, Tsukiji and All Saints Church, Kudan.
1902(明35) 50歳
Age 50
The number of students at St. Paul’s Middle School rose to 450, but the family-run English School at Kanda was struggling. It requested assistance from its mother church, but was shut down the following year. Joseph Sakunoshin Motoda left Rikkyo and Lloyd became Principal of St. Paul’s Middle School.
Girls' English reader(『女子英語読本』)元田作之進との共著、三友書院(英文)
Librarian's report(Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan 29 pt.Ⅲ)
1903(明36) 51歳
Age 51
業務多忙による健康問題、文学と学術活動へ専念の希望、カトリック改宗問題などから、立教学院総理を4月に辞任する。同年からラフカディオ・ハーンの後任として東京帝国大学英文学教授となる。またキリスト教との接点を求めて日本仏教などの研究を進める。The Asiatic Society of Japan(日本アジア協会)の会長にも就任する。
Resigned as President of Rikkyo Gakuin in April due to health issues from overwork, a desire to devote himself to literature and academic activities, and the problem of his conversion to Catholicism. In the same year, he succeeded Lafcadio Hearn as Professor of English Literature at Tokyo Imperial University. He studied Japanese Buddhism in search of a dialog between it and Christianity. He also served as Chairman of The Asiatic Society of Japan.
1904(明37) 52歳
Age 52
Taught Rhetoric for one year at Keio University (part-time).
Imperial songs(『御歌』)立教学院活版部(英訳)
1905(明38) 53歳
Age 53
Gold demon(『金色夜叉』)有楽社(英訳)
Village life in Japan(Transactions of the Asiatic Society in Japan 34)
1907(明40) 55歳
Age 55
The praises of Amida:seven buddhist sermons(『阿弥陀崇拝』)教文館(英文)
1908(明41) 56歳
Age 56
The wheat among the tares(『毒麦のなかの麦:日本における仏教研究』) Macmillan (英文)
1909(明42) 57歳
Age 57
Every-day Japan(『日常日本』) Cassel (英文)
1910(明43) 58歳
Age 58
Shinran and his work:studies in Shinshu theology(『親鸞上人伝』)教文館(英文)
A birth-day book of Japanese verse, old and new(『誕生日記念帖』)審美書院(英文)
1911(明44) 59歳
Age 59
His wife Mary died in March in Canada, where she had gone to recuperate. On October 27, Lloyd died of a stroke at his home. Many people from the Anglican Church and other fields attended his funeral, which was held at St. Andrew’s Anglican Church on October 30. He is buried at Aoyama Cemetery, Tokyo.
1913(大2)   Nature and man(『自然と人生』) 徳富蘆花著、アーサー・ロイド訳 弘学館(英訳)

※アーサー・ロイドは、ケンブリッジ大学のフェローだった時期、日本アジア協会会員だった時期など、ライブラリアンとして図書館業務にも携わっている。 (年譜:立教大学図書館作成) 
*Arthur Lloyd also worked as a librarian while he was a Fellow of Cambridge University and a member of The Asiatic Society of Japan. (Chronological record: Created by Rikkyo University Library)


アーサー・ロイド年譜 / Chronological record  参考文献リスト / References